Lession 1
Letters M , N , R and CHH
Lets look at four letters M , N , R and CHH. M , N and R are as in English. CHH is a sound like CH in China but to make CHH instead of the tip of the tongue it is the first third of the tongue which touches the palate on top.

Vowel marksLets look at the letter N and how vowel marks can modify it.

The first is an accent , to be used very rarely since most people now where to lay the stress . For instance in the word stuN it would be over the N. The next is an AA sound . Then followes little i as in hit . Note that this is put before the letter eg N here but pronounced after it. Finally we have the long ee as in Neem tree.Some more vowel marks

The first is little u as in rUth , the second is long U or OO as in NOOn , then the ae is in NAME and finally the aae sound as in to NAGMore vowel marks

the first is O as in NOTE , the second AU as in AUtumn , the third is a nasal N as in RUNG and the last is a longer nasal N as in CANT .There are quite a few forms of R the semivowel

The first is Ri as in wRist , the second and third are just staight Rs as dRama . The next is actually pronounced before the letter , so here it is RUN and the last is another accent mark borrowed from Sanskrit and gives it an aei sound as in prataei -morning.

Now lets combine M and N and recheck the vowel marks. The vowel mark in each case is placed in between the M and the N and gives the following sound.
Dont rush this bit -go over the above figure again.Make sure you can identify each vowel mark before moving on - the closest sounding English word is given as above.Lets look at the vowel marks on their own
Now see if you can correctly identify the marks.

check your answer

Now lets once again join M and N with a vowel mark in between which makes the word sound as follows.
Did you remember the vowel marks ? Check again.

These are the correct answers.

This is the most important lesson. If after three or four tries you can get all words correct , the rest of the lessons should be quite easy !before ending this lessons lets see if you can read your first three sentences in Gujarati using the letters M , N , R and CHH. These have Gujarati words but after this lesson we will start with English words written in Gujarati script. At the end of each sentence is the letter chh ( sounds like the letter ch in rich ) with a short ae vowel mark. The chh sound comes from the chest while saying ch. The chhae word is Gujarati for is .
The correct answer is

Although some of the items are repeated it is important to get the vowel marks right first time. This is the end of lesson 1 . Go over it before going to the next one.
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