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International Kite Festival (Uttarayan) is one of the biggest festivals celebrated. The festival takes place on January 14th of each year. Uttarayan marks the day when winter begins to turn into summer. It is considered to be one of the most important harvest days in India. Many cities in Gujarat organize kite competition between their citizens where the people all compete with each other. It is a huge celebration that it has become a public holiday in India for two days.
The symbolism of this festival is to show the awakening of the Gods from their deep sleep. It is said that India created the tradition of kite flying due to the kings who found the sport entertaining and as a way to display their skills and power. It began as being a sport for kings, but over time, it began to reach the masses.
The kites are usually made with materials such as plastic, leaves, wood, metal, nylon and other scrap materials. Dye and paint are also added to increase the glamour of the kite. The lines are covered with mixtures of glue and ground glass. During the night, illuminated kites filled with lights and candles known as tukals are launched creating a spectacle in the dark sky.

Kites come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. We would love to see what your kite looks like. Click here to see an outline of a rhombus shaped kite we would like you to design and color it and send us a picture. You can send it by E-mail to matiyakids@gmail.com or info@matiyaworld.com or upload the picture on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/matiyakids